Risks & Challenges

Throughout the four years of project development, we have encountered a number of difficulties. In the first place, choosing the signal transmission technique – embroidery or ink print. Consequently, we had both smart shirt prototypes produced and tested. Another major challenge for us was to design hardware (PBC) that amplifies the ECG signal at least 1000 times, to filter it and transmit via Bluetooth to the mobile device, despite all difficulties, we made it through. In order to monitor the patient continuously on 24/7, and collect the ECG data, a database is now being created. To prevent the database from being overloaded and optimize its performance, the data is being deleted after a week’s period, leaving only one minute of ECG recordings. At this moment, our intention is to focus on the small steps, avoiding parallelism between the tasks. Only after all of the project development steps are completed, and assurance that the remote monitoring system is functioning properly, the batch production will be launched. Indeed, we are close to that.